Pryguny in Baja California,
Pryguny en Baja
California, México
By Andrei Conovaloff — Updated : 9
December 2021, 2 cemeteries added. May 2020, links
From 1905-1910, a mixture of Spiritual
Christian faiths from South Russia, mostly Pryguny
(jumpers, saltadores), purchased land and settled in
4 farming colonies near Ensenada, North Baja California,
Mexico. Not all were ethnic Russians, and were of various
non-Orthodox faiths from South Russia. Locals simply called
them Los Rusos (people
from Russia).
- Guadalupe —
formerly Ex-Misión Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, the main
colony, ~20+ square miles purchased in 1907, is now
around the town of Francisco Zarco, Guadalupe Valley, 50
miles south of San Diego, California, and 15 miles
north-east of Ensenada.
- San Antonio de las Minas,
about half-way between Guadalupe and Ensenada.
- Mision del Orno,
west of Guadalupe, along the coast.
- Punta Banda,
south of Ensenada, on the coast..
They also rented as much as 50 square miles from about 10
nearby ranches, mostly for grazing. In 1918 and 1919, these
Pryguny grew 90% of the wheat in northern Baja
California, about 9000 acres, 14 mi2.
Their official identity to the Mexican government was
"Russian settlers" (colonos rusos). Their official
faith was Prygun, Dukhovnikh kristian
pryguny (English: Spiritual Christian Jumpers,
Spanish: Espirituales cristians saltadores).
Most of the land they purchased was paid for in wheat, when
delivered to the Pacifico
Flour Mill, Ensenada. Oral history reports they paid
off their debt much sooner than projected by Attorney Donald
Baker who brokered the land deal, bank loan and built the
The settlers left 3 cemeteries, in (1) Francisco Zarco, Guadalupe
Valley (community, 131 graves); (2) Ensenada (private, 36
graves); and (3) San
Antonio de Las Minas (private, 9 graves). They had 2
meeting halls, in (1) Guadalupe
(conserved), and (2) San Antonio (demolished). In 2020 the
Guadalupe meeting hall property was transferred to
neighboring Samarin family who own the restaurant and museum
across the street.
Not all original settlers were ethnic Russian, and a few
Baptist and Orthodox families from Russia also lived in
Today three museums and one "Russo" restaurant / gift shop
compete for tourists. One museum is government owned, two
are privately owned by Samarins and Bibayoffs.
The prayer house in Guadalupe Valley is closed, last used
for a funeral
in 1992, but tours are provided by caretaker Gabe Kachirisky when he is available. Bus
wine-tours mostly come from cruise ships in Ensenada, and
occasionally from the San Diego area.
Many books, papers, articles, web sites, a film and 2 Ph.D.
theses have documented these colonies. The most illustrative
book was written and self published by former resident
George Mohoff: The Russian Colony of
Guadalupe: Pryguny Molokans in
Mexico (with many errors). Most sources have errors
which are corrected here when found. The major error is not
reporting that the faith of the 2 congregations was Prygun,
and they were "Spiritual
Christian Pryguny from Russia."
On this page is a collection of online information in
English (comments and corrections in red), in Spanish and in Russian
(with machine translations), a book/article
list and web sites with photos and videos, with one photo
gallery in Russian. All of the references to "Molokans" are
in error. The immigrants came from diverse faiths of mostly
non-Orthodox people from Russia, most of whom practiced the
Prygun faith
in Mexico.
The 2 congregations (Guadalupe, San Antonio) were
undoubtedly given the Kniga solntse, dukh i zhizn' (Book
of the Sun, Spirit and Life, 1928), but did not place
it on their altar tables in their meeting halls as a
replacement for the New Testament, or amendment to the
Bible, as did most Prygun congregations in Southern
California who converted to Dukh-i-zhiznik faiths.
The book was kept on a shelf in the meeting hall if anyone
wanted to use it. Therefore, the Mexico Pryguny remained
constant (postoyannie) to their Prygun faith.
They did not convert to a Dukh-i-zhiznik
faith in Mexico. But, when descendants of these Prygun
people from Russia moved from Mexico to Southern
California, to maintain within the cultural sphere of the
Spiritual Christian diaspora in the U.S.A., they had to
attend a Dukh-i-zhiznik
faith prayer hall because the Prygun faith in
the U.S.A. was extinguished by the more aggressive Dukh-i-zhiznik
faiths. Many reluctantly converted.
Within a decade of settling in Mexico, waves of attempts to
leave in groups began.
- 1910 — Due to disgust with import duties (taxes) on
farm equipment, plans were begun with A.P.
Cherbak to buy about 70-square-miles near Santa
Barbara with more than $800,000 in a joint fund from to
form a grand colony of interested Spiritual Christians
in North America (Dukhobortsy, Pryguny, Molokane,
Subbotniki). Pivovaroff represented the Mexico
- 1916 — About 22 families of the Tiukma congregation
moved to Chino Valley,
Yavapai County, Arizona, led by Pivovaroff, sponsored by
the Hasayampa Alfalfa Farms Company.
- 1919 — Several families were loaned money by Ed
Fletcher to escape to his San Ysirdro Ranch, south
San Diego County, California.
- 1926 — The Canadian Pacific Railroad arranged with
Pivovaroff for a block-settlement in central Alberta
province, Canada. Would be co-signers and colonists in
Los Angeles backed-down after scouting the territory
offered, which was near a successful Dukhobor commune.
- 1938 — About 10 families got bank loans to buy 200
acres near
Ramona, south San Diego County, California. 15
households owned land.
- 1940s-1950s — About 20 families settled in a
neighborhood near the Prohoroff Poultry Farm, San
Marcos, north San Diego County, California. They built a
meeting hall, and 2 adjacent streets were named Shubin
and Bolotin Lanes. Several remain.
By the end of 1960s, most had begun to move to California,
U.S.A. Some who were not married to Pryguny in
Mexico intermarried in California with Spiritual Christian Dukh-i-zhizniki,
but had to convert to those faiths. A few intermarried with
Spiritual Christian Molokane in Northern
California. Many original Russian-style buildings remain
preserved in Valle de Guadalupe. In 2008, more than 100
descendants of these non-Orthodox
people from Russia were counted in the regional phone
book for Ensenda-Tijuana. By the year 2000, probably more
than 1000 descendants resided in Mexico, nearly all
intermarried and assimilated, and of those very few are
interested in the history of their heritage from Russia.
- Dukh-i-zhizniki
in America : An update of Molokans in America (Berokoff,
1969): Chapter 2: The First Years
- Detailed maps: Ruta del Vino (Wine
Route), Google Earth, Wikimapia.
- The Baja Beat: The Russians of Guadalupe
Valley, by Greg Niemann, The San Clement Journal
- Ens-Guad Trip May 4, 2002 — Lynn
& Bev's Tour in Baja
- State Museum: Russian Community Museum
of Guadalupe Valley
- Rancho Guadalupe Cemetery, Baja, Lower
Calif., Mexico — Posted by George "Ghrishka"
Bolderoff, with Comments.
- Mexico's Russian Colony / La
Comunidad Rusa en Mexico — Posted in 1996 on
"History of Mexican Peoples" by Dr. David Rojas,
- Trying to Recapture Russian Emigres' Life
in Mexico, Living Among Ghosts Brings a Strange
Peace — By Jessica Garrison, Los Angeles Times, December 1, 2002
- Contract to Maintain Mexico Church,
with G. A. Kashirisky — June 1, 1992
- Pacifist Community Perserves, By
Mary Forgione, Los
Angeles Daily News
- Transplanted Sakhaliner: Cheurniy Kleb
[Black Bread] in Baja, Mexico, The Sakhalin Times
— Oct 9, 2004, Updated Aug 24, 2005
- Historic Monument Planned, by George
- USC's Russian Club: Russians in Mexico,
Web site of the Department of Slavic Languages and
Literature and Russian Club, University of California,
Los Angeles.
- Chapter 2: The Russians of Guadalupe del
Norte, by
Marion Smothers. Vintage Baja: Adventures of a Gringa in
Lower California, 1993.
- Morris Photo Art — 4 photos of grave
markers in the Guadalupe Valley cemetery.
- Ivan Guryevich Samarin (1857-1948) — the
"Great Spiritual Christian
Communicator", The
Dukh-i-zhiznik Molokan
Review, 1949.
- Photo: 5 Babeshoff sisters, from
"Russian Americans," by Paul Robert Magocsi.
- Mexico: A destination specialist course.
(PDF), by The Travel Institute, 2004.
- Baja Legends: The Historic Characters,
Events and Locations That Put Baja California on the
Map, by Greg Niemann, 2002
- Bodega Bibayoff, jAzZblOg, March 27,
- The Russian Colony of Guadalupe Valley
in Mexico, book by George W. Mohoff, 226 pages,
- Books and theses about Russian Spiritual
Christians in Mexico at public libraries, listed
at WorldCat
- 3 Videos in English, Spanish, Russian,
English —
- Bitter
Blow to Pryguny
Wife Dies While He’s Far Away Seeking Fortune, Los Angeles Times,
Nov 24, 1905, pg. II6.
- Russian
Colonists Going to Mexico: Prguny
on the Move, Los
Angeles Times, August 23, 1907, page II3
- Electricity
Spells Triumph for Russ Colony in Mexico, Los Angeles Times,
dated May 30, 1949, page 2, with 6 photos.
- Angel
of Guadalupe, by Ed Ainsworth, Los Angeles Times,
Jan 29, 1954, page A5.
- Tractor
Crossing: Federal Court Convicts 'Angel of Guadalupe',
Los Angeles Times,
Oct 13, 1955, page A8.
- Russian
Cuisine in the Guadalupe Valley, Gastronomic Route,
Baja California State Tourism
- Prygun
Descendants in Mexico, Compatriots "United Russia", February
12, 2007
WINE - BIBAYOFF: From Russia with Love, Spirit and
Wine, Baja Times,
Volume I, Number 96 January 1-15, 2009
- The
Russian Colony — Moon Travel Guides [Mexico], January
9, 2009
- From Kars to Mexico:
Russian Pryguny
Molokans at
the other end of the world, RIA News, July 3,
- Bibayoff,
Russian tradition settled in México (photos), Gina
Naya, Food & Wine web site.
- Was this Russian art rug woven
by Pryguny in Mexico? Question by Cheron
- Mexico's
of wine, Sacramento
Bee, January 6, 2010
- Cemetery
: 131 Names of Spiritual Christians buried in
Guadalupe, "Appendix E", The Russian Colony of Guadalupe Pryguny
in Mexico, by George W. Mohoff, 1995, pages
223-226. The cemetery in Ensenada has not been surveyed.
- Russian
Vintners Win Gold at Baja California Wine Event, Vino-Tourism by
Steve Dryden August 31, 2009
- Analect
Molokan, an older man
with scythe, Russian harvest. Valley of Guadalupe, BC
by painter Anthony Dubovsky, San Diego, California, June
16, 2010
- In
Vino Vendimia (In The Grape Harvest), Los
Angeles Times Magazine, August 2010. — "heritage"
was Spiritual Christian Prygun, who were granted
military exemption during settlement in 1905.
- "The
Real Ensenada: Ensenada to Tecate," in Weekend
Driver: San Diego, by Jack Brandais, Sunbelt
Publications, Inc., Oct 1, 2003, pages 139-141. — Map
and photo inside museum. Only varieties Spiritual
Christian Pryguny came here from Russia, no
— Russian
- Потомки прыгун
в Мексике, Соотчесвенники
"Русь Единая", 2007-02-12
- От Карса до Мексики:
русские прыгуны
молокане на другом
конце светаx, РИА
Новости, 03.07.2009
Español — Spanish. [Machine translated
from Spanish to English online.]
- Los
orígenes de la migración rusa a Baja California
José Luis González López, Bertha Paredes Acevedo, Calafia: Revista de la
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tijuana.
época, vol. I, núms. 1-8, enero 2001-diciembre
Universidad Autonóma de Baja California, Instituto de
Invetigaciónes Históricas, Tijuana
[Machine translated: The
origins of the Russian migration to Baja California.
By José Luis Gonzalez Lopez, Bertha Paredes Acevedo. Calafia: Magazine of the
Independent University of Baja California, Tijuana.
New time, vol. I, nos. 1-8, January 2001-December 2004.
University of Baja California, Department of
Investigative History, Tijuana.]
y el Vino Ruso en Guadalupe. Nota
publicada el 13 de agosto de 2005. Por Elizabeth Vargas
[Machine translated: Molokans
and Russian Vine in Guadalupe.
Published August 13, 2005, by Elizabeth Vargas]
- Mexican
Vistas: La Comunidad Rusa en Mexico, By James
Clifford Safley, Editor, San Diego Union. 1952
[Translated by Dr Rojas from the original English
article: Mexico's
Russian Colony]
- El
Comunitario del Valle de Guadalupe, Ejemplo de la
Diversidad Cultural de Baja California, Gabriela
Olivares. Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes,
Un proyecto del PACMyC.
[Machine translated: The
Community Museum of Guadalupe Valley, An Example of
the Cultural Diversity of Baja California, by
Gabriela Olivares. National Counsel for Culture and
Arts, a project of PACMyC.]
- Se
extinguen los rusos de la Sierra de Juarez. México amargo, By
Manuel Mejido 1980. Pages 19-22
[The Russians of the Juarez mountain range are
extinguished", in Bitter
- "Capítulo
XX: El Valle de Guadalupe". Historia de Baja
California: De Cueva Pintada a la Modernidad, 2
Antonio Ponce Aguilar. 2002.
["Chapter XX: Guadalupe Valley". History of Baja
California: A Modern Painted Cave, 2 edition.
By Antonio Ponce Aguilar, 2002.]
- Hacia
un Plan de Manejo del Agua en Valle de Guadalupe, Baja
California. A. Baddan,, p. 45-64. II
Seminario Internacional de Vitivinicultura, 3 y 4 Agosto
de 2005, Ensenada, B.C. Mexico. Ciencia. Revista de
la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias. 2005.
["Designing a plan for handling water in Guadalupe
Valley, Baja California". By A. Baddan, (and
others). Pages 45-64. 2005 II Seminar of the
International Vitivinicultura, August 3-4, 2005,
Ensenada, B.C. Mexico. Science. Magazine of the Mexican
Academy of Sciences.]
- “El último refugio. Los rusos saltos
molokanos del valle de Guadalupe, Baja
California”. Gómez Estrada, José Alfredo. México,
en: Boletín del
Archivo General de la Nación, 6ª época,
agosto-octubre de 2003, no. 1, p. 137-152.
["The last refuge. The Pryguny
from Russia Russian
Molokans of Guadalupe Valley, Baja
California". Gomez Estrada, Jose Alfredo. Mexico, in: Bulletin of the General
archives of the Nation, 6th edition,
August-October of 2003, no. 1, pages 137-152.]
- YouTube Video: Mexican
indigenous Russians rusos русскиe (6:37 min)
English text, Spanish conversation.
- Los
Molokanes el el Valle de
Gaudalupe, Grupo Enologico Mexicano, Excelsior 2002
[Machine translated: Pryguny
Molokans in Guadalupe Valley,
Mexican Ethnic Groups, Excelsior 2002]
- 23/08: Altos
sacan del mercado al vino mexicano, COPARMEX
Aug. 23, 2008: Higher
taxes put them out of the Mexican wine market
- 30
Fotos de bibayoff, (30 photos of David Bibyoff
ranch) Panoramio (6 photos are nearby locations)
- Los descendientes Priguni
Molokans en México, Compatriotas "Русь Único",
El 12 de febrero de 2007
- Inmigración
rusa en México, Spanish [Machine translated: Rusian
immigration in Mexico]
- El Reportaje, La Ventana de Ensenada 2009 [Feature,
Window to Ensenada, 2009]
- "Rusia
Baja California,
tierra incógnita, by Fernando Jordán,
2001, pages 51-56.
Photo and video websites
- Irina's Gallery (Russian), Baja California,
Mexico, Feb 24, 2007 —138 photos (offline)
24-31: Guadalupe restaurant, museum — Photos
48-50: Bibayoff and Dalgoff house
- Ens-Guad Trip May 4, 2002 — Lynn
& Bev's Tour in Baja
- Rancho Guadalupe
Cemetery, Baja, Lower Calif., Mexico — Posted by
George "Ghrishka" Bolderoff, with Comments.
- Russians in Mexico,
Website of the Department of Slavic Languages and
Literature and Russian Club, University of California,
Los Angeles
- Morris Photo Art — 4
photos of Mexican-Russian grave markers
- Photo of 5 Babeshoff sisters,
in Gale Multicultural America Encyclopedia: Russian
- 3 Videos in English, Spanish,
Russian, English —
- Rancho
Torros Pintos (Bibayoff), ~50 photos of Bibayoiff
ranch and area,
- Bibayoff,
Russian tradition settled in México (photos), Gina
Naya, Food & Wine web site
- Photo Wineries/, 2 images of
and courtyard
- Pryguny
Molokans in Mexico: Valle de
Guadalupe, Baja Mexico — 79 photos Babishoffs, Nov
10, 2009, Picasaweb.
- Ghriska's Fotki Photo Albums, by George Bolderoff who
started with his family tree and grew — 3 sections about
- Photo: Mexican
squatters' shacks in Russian community in Guadalupe,
Mexico, Los Angeles Times, July 17, 1966.
6 Videos added 30 July 2016
- Vía
Tijuana - Un Valle muy Ruso (By way of Tijuana — A
very Russian valley), (video, 6:26 min.) YouTube, March
12, 2012. — Conozca la historia de la comunidad rusa que
se asentó en el Valle de Guadalupe. (Learn the history
of the Russian community that settled in the Guadalupe
- Familia
Rusa Samarin Valle de Guadalupe (Russian Family
Samarin in Guadalupe Valley) (video, 4:30 min.),
Todos Santos, October 1, 2012. — Tour of the Samarin
house museum and restaruant kitchen cooking.
- Russians
in Mexico (video, 5:18 min), Laura Castaneda, SDCC
Borderstories, San Diego City College, Channel 4 San
Diego Insider, October 23, 2013— Interview with
Kachirsky — 1930 land loan paid. 1931 first interracial
marriage. 17 pure-blooded residents remain. Museum
planned in 1990s. Cancho Samarin curator of her family
museum and restaurant. Maria de Los Angeles curator of
govenment owned museum across the street. Dr. Teresa
Muranaka describes cemetery.
- Proyecto
Cimarrón "Museo Ruso en Valle de Guadalupe"
(Cimarron project "Russian Museum in Valle de
Guadalupe") (video, 5:08 min.), Imagen
(University of Baja California TV), May 21, 2014 — En
esta ocasión en un recorrido por el Valle de Guadalupe
descubriremos la historia de la comunidad rusa y su
aportación gastronómica en la vida de este lugar (This
time on a tour of the Guadalupe valley discover the
history of the Russian community and its gastronomic
contribution to the life of this place) — Interview with
Francisco Samarin at restaurant brick oven, tour the
Samarin house museum. Documentary video produced by
- Notivisa
Ensenada - Comunidad rusa en Valle de Guadalupe
(The Russian community in the Guadalupe Valley)
(video, 3:00 min), 23-XHS (Ensenada television), October
9, 2014 — Descendientes de rusos que llegaron al Valle
de Guadalupe cuentan su historia. (Descendants of
Russians who arrived in the Valley of Guadalupe tell
their story.) — Interviewes with Miguel Samarin Dalgoff
and Gabriel Kachirsky Kotoff.
- Museo
Ruso en Valle de Guadalupe (The Russian Museum in
Guadalupe Valley) (video, 2:28 min.), by Jorge
Orta, February 14, 2016. — Vista al valle de Guadalupe
en ensenada, Baja California (View of the Guadalupe
Valley in Ensenada, Baja, California) — Short tour of
Samarin house museum.
Links to
some of many websites that mention Spiritual
Christians in Mexico
- Grass
Guerrilla of South Twin Lake, by Carl J. Nelson. 1980. Pages 320-324
- Two
building roots, San
Union-Tribune, March 9, 1995.
- Baja's
ranks, The San
Diego Union-Tribune. April 13, 1995. Page 62.
- Fertile
grow in quality, sales, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mar 19, 2000. Page 20A.
- The 90 Day Yacht
Club Guide to Ensenada (Internet newsletters)
- A
taste of Mexico days of wine and chocolate, The Gazette
(Montreal,, November 12, 2005.
- Ensenada,
- Ensenada.
Visitor Information: Day Three
- Ensenada
Road To Tecate, Towards Guadalupe Valley: Monte
- Backgrounders:
Wine, Mexican Tourism Board, Press Room. Copied
at: The
of Baja Norte
- A
taste of Napa in Baja: The Guadalupe Valley is home to
wineries and a historic Russian community, The San Diego
Union-Tribune, May 16, 2004 Page: 31.
ERROR: Spiritual Christians DID NOT come to
America through Alaska.
- A
taste of Mexico days of wine and chocolate, by
Julian Armstrong, The
Gazette (Montreal, Canada), November 12, 2005.
Copied at: BajaNomad » Baja Travel Articles » A
taste of Mexico days of wine and chocolate
- Baja
Wine Country: Guadalupe Valley, by Steve Dryden
- Mexican wines and wineries: Getting
to Know Mexican Wine and Russian History,
“Vino-Tourism” by Steve Dryden
- Baja's
A short drive from Ensenada, vineyards and tasting
rooms are flourishing, San Francisco Chronicle, April 10, 2005.
- The
Samarin's of Francisco Zarco: Within the Valley of
Guadalupe - A garden paradise by Malecon, Francisco
Zarco Pages, update: Jun 20, 2006. Photo: "Norma Samarin at her panderia".
- Environmental
Assessment of Impacts from a Liquefied Natural Gas
Facility in Baja California, Mexico. University of
Wyoming, School of Environment and Natural Resources.
ENR 4900/5900 Class Project, Spring 2007. Pages 91-93
- Case
Study: Baja Bottled, by Toby Cecchini. The New York Times
Magazine: Travel. March 25, 2007
- The
Study; Baja Bottled, New York Times, March 25, 2007.
- Wine,
Music and Food Festivals in Baja California, Mexico,
Vino-Tourism by
Steve Dryden, June 9, 2008.
- Wine
Country News in Mexico, by Steve Dryden. Mexico Living,
January 1, 2009.
- The Joy
of Living in Mexico’s Finest Wine Country, Vino-Tourism by
Steve Dryden, October 26, 2009.
- White
1. Dukh-i-zhizniki in
America, Chapter
… agents for a large tract of land in Lower California,
Mexico, learning of the immigrants' Molokan desire to establish a
farming community, contacted them early in 1905 1906 with a
proposition to sell them the tract which was called Rancho
Guadalupe and on terms within reach of people who were still
impoverished from their emigration from Russia.
This tract of land consisting of 13,000 acres [20.3 square miles] was located 60
miles south of the United States-Mexico border, in a pretty
valley [Spanish: Valle de Guadalupe] through which
flowed a small stream but which turned into a torrent after
a rain storm. The land was capable of producing a good crop
of wheat in a rainy year but was also subjected to cycles of
dry years …
… 50 families were attracted to the proposition to purchase
the tract. Led by Vasili Gavrilitch Pivovaroff and Ivan G. Samarin the land was bought
for the sum of $40,000 and a site was selected for a village
in the style of their native Russia, except that, for lack
of logs, the houses were built of adobe in the style of
Mexico. [I.G. Samarin and C. P de
Blumenthal signed the contract for the Russian colony.
Price ~$3.08/acre.]
- The title to the whole tract of land was vested in the
names of three trustees.
- No grant deeds or other evidence of ownership were
issued to the individual owners. The names of individual
owners were simply recorded in a community book, which
was entrusted to a person elected for that purpose.
- A government surveyor never officially surveyed the
land nor was the subdivision recorded in government
archives. Apparently, to save the cost of a qualified
surveyor, they chose the method that was used by their
fathers and forefathers in Russia. Measuring off a
length of rope and using natural and artificial markers,
such as large imbedded rocks or trees, they did the job
in their own crude manner and proceeded to allot the
land to the individual owners.
... the whole
colony of 50 families were divided into 10 family units of
five families to a unit. The whole tract of land was then
divided into several sections, each section suitable for a
certain crop. Thus there was a section of river bottom land;
another section at higher level and suitable for raising
grain, a hill-side section for raising hay and a section of
untillable mountainous land which was left undivided for
community use as cattle pasture. Each section of tillable
land was then subdivided into ten parcels for which the ten
family units proceeded to draw lots for their share of each
category. The family units then drew lots for ownership of
their individual parcels according to the need of each
… in 1952 squatters from the city of Mexicali, discovering
that no deeds were recorded to some of the colonist's land,
forcibly settled upon the land and despite the intervention
of Federal, troops, at times successfully claimed ownership
thereto through squatters rights. … After these raids of
squatters … all but a very few families emigrated to the
United States, and the colony as such ceased to exist. [Now the town is named
Fransico Zarco, and 3 museums and a restaurant serving
Russian food have been created to provide employment and
attract tourists.]
Ruta del Vino (Wine
Route) with landmarks. Shows highway #3 route in red from
Pacific Coast Highway (1), just north of Ensenada, to the
north edge of the former Russian town of Francisco Zarco.
Turn left through town, until the road bends, about 2 miles.
Find 2 museums and Samarin Family Restaurant across the
street from each other just past the prayer house. About 5
miles farther southwest find the Bibayoff winery (#15) with
a 3rd museum. Or, go northeast to the hot springs (#46).
Click maps to enlarge.
- See satellite aerial views of the valley from Google
Maps, Wikimapia,
- See street maps from Yahoo
Maps, Live
Search, MultiMap
- Cross-hairs in
center of these satellite images point to the cemetery,
prayer house (assembly), Samarin
Family Restaurant, Samarin
Museum, Community
Museum, Alex
Samarin ranch (home of last presbyter), Gabe
Bibayoff farm, David
Bibayoff winery and museum, Spoon
Rock (loshka), Junction
of Highway 3 and Main Street, The
Blowhole (La Bufadora), ...
- You can also click on some of the sites on the aerial
map below to go to high resolution satellite images.
3. The
of Guadalupe Valley, by Greg
Niemann, The San Clement Journal

4. Ens-Guad Trip May 4, 2002 — Lynn & Bev's Tour in
Photos 9 thru 51 were taken in Guadalupe showing the town,
museums, church and cemetery. Posted by George "Ghrishka"

5. State Museum: Russian
Community Museum of Guadalupe Valley
Ruta del Vino:
Miseos y Sitios Historicos :
Museo Comunitario Ruso del Valle de Guadalupe
Ubicado en un inmueble de la antigua colonia Rusa,
cuenta con una pequeña exposición de memorabilia
rusa y objetos indígenas. Recorridos guiados al
sitio misional, aguas termales, pinturas rupestres y
comunidades indígenas, previa cita. De la carretera
#3 tomar el camino principal pasando frente al
Centro de Salud IMSS hasta llegar al museo, ubicado
a la izquierda del camino, casi frente al Museo
Comunitario del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e
Historia (INAH).
Av. Principal # 276
Valle de Guadalupe, B.C.
Tel. (646) 155-2030 |
Secretary of Tourism, State of Baja California:
Wine Route: Historical Museums and Sites
Russian Community Museum of Guadalupe
There is a small Russian exhibition of memorabilia
and indigenous objects located in a building of the
old Russian colony. Routes guided the misional site,
thermal waters, cave paintings and indigenous
communities, previous appointment needed. From
highway #3, take the main road passing in front of
the Center of Health IMSS until arriving at the
museum, located to the left of the road, almost in
front of the Communitarian Museum of the National
Institute of Anthropology and Historia (INAH).
Main Ave. # 276
Guadalupe Valley, B.C.
Tel. (646) 155-2030 |
del Valle de Guadalupe
Estado:: Baja
Ubicado en un inmueble de la antigua colonia
Rusa, en el Valle de Guadalupe, en Baja
California. |

Community Museum
of Guadalupe Valley
State: Baja California
Located in a building of the former Russian
colony in Valle de Guadalupe, Baja
California. |
En 1905 llegaron los
primeros colonos rusos pertenecientes al grupo Pryguny (Espirituales
cristians saltadores) Malakhanys
(Molokan) “molocanes” que quiere decir “los saltadores
bebedores de leche”, venían
de Rusia encabezados por Basilio Pivavaroff, Basilio
Tolmasoff y Simeón Babichoff quienes se encargaron
de la colonización del Valle de Guadalupe en
En el inicio se establecieron 60 familias, que se
dedicaron principalmente a la crianza de gansos,
patos, a la agricultura y siembra de uva y trigo.
Actualmente, se puede visitar a algunas familias
como Martha y Gabriel Kachirisky que siguen con esta
tradición, hacen el pan con la receta original rusa
y comidas típicas rusas para grupos pequeños.
Este museo, cuenta con una pequeña exposición de
memorabilia rusa y objetos indígenas. ofrece
platillos rusos, así como la venta de queso, pan y
vino artesanal.
También Podrás dar un recorrido guiado al sitio
misional, aguas termales, pinturas rupestres y
comunidades indígenas.
Como llegar::
Por aire, al Aeropuerto Internacional General
Abelardo L. Rodríguez, en la carretera Internacional
s/n, en el municipio de Tijuana, arriban diariamente
un promedio de 120 vuelos, procedentes de distintas
ciudades de México y los Estados Unidos.
In 1905 the
first settlers were Spiritual
Christian Pryguny arrived
from the Russian
Malakhanys (Molokan) "molocanes",
which means "jumpers milk
drinkers". They came from
Russia headed by Basil (Vasili) Pivavaroff ,
Basil Tolmasoff, and Simeón Babichoff who were
responsible for the colonization of the Guadalupe
Valley in Ensenada.
At the start there were 60 families who were devoted
primarily to raising geese, ducks, agriculture and
planting grapes and wheat.
Currently, you can visit some families such as Martha and Gabriel Kachirisky who
continue with this tradition. They make bread made
with the original Russian recipe and Russian food
for small groups.
This museum has a small exhibition of objects and
memorabilia from the Russian natives. They serve
Russian dishes, sele cheese, bread and fine wine.
You can also take a guided tour to the mission site,
hot springs, cave paintings and indigenous
Getting there:
By air, at the International Airport General
Abelardo L. Rodriguez, the International Road s / n,
in the municipality of Tijuana, arriving an average
of 120 daily flights from various cities in Mexico
and the United States.
— Radio MIL, NRM
6. Rancho
Guadalupe Molokan Cemetery, Baja,
Lower Calif., Mexico (Link to Original offline after Ghrishka died.)
21 photos posted by George "Ghrishka" Bolderoff (1942-2013).
Find more info on his Comments
page (Link to
Also see: Cemetery
Names of Russian Spiritual Christians in Mexico
7. Mexico's
Russian Colony / In Spanish: La
Rusa en Mexico
Posted in 1996 on "History of Mexican Peoples" by Dr. David
Rojas, Instituto Cultural "Raices Mexicanas" and Assoc.
Professor Ethnomusicology, University of California, Santa
Barbara. Translated from Mexican
Vistas, by James Clifford Safley. 1952. — In 1996
Dr. Rojas created a website — —
mainly about Mexican dance. He is also interested in culture
and included this article. This excerpt was the first significant information
about Russian Spiritual Christians on the Internet,
appearing nearly a year before the Molokan Home Page in
1997. Soon this article was found by a Molokan in Russia,
Vitaly (Samudorov?) who e-mailed asking about relatives not
contacted since 1920. Vitaly's request fascinated Dr. Rojas
who took a trip to find these Russians in Mexcio and tells
how he happened upon the village museum — Museo Comunitario
de El Valle De Guadalupe — at the end of his first issue of
Mitote", November 1996. He briefly tells about
meeting Andrés and Sonya Samudoroff and giving them a letter
from Russia. Later Dr Rojas tried to help the new museum by
donating a computer and looking for someone to help create
an inventory of artifacts in the village. See Correspondence with Dr.
Rojas in 1997.
8. Trying to Recapture Russian
Emigres' Life in Mexico
Living Among Ghosts
Brings a Strange Peace
By Jessica Garrison — Los Angeles Times —
December 1, 2002
The few descendants of a religious sect that fled czar's
empire 100 years ago now put faith in trading on heritage to
keep their ancestry alive.
to Maintain Mexico Church, with G. A. Kashirisky
Colonia Rus de
Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico; Los
Angeles, CA — June 1, 1992
10. Pacifist Community Perserves
By Mary Forgione, Los Angeles Daily News
The Arizona Republic, March 19, 1995, Travel Section, Page
Cheurniy Kleb [Black Bread] in Baja, Mexico
The Sakhalin Times
— Oct 9, 2004, Updated Aug 24, 2005
Good history with news that recent Russian immigrants want
to live there. Excerpts:
Losha was one of the first Russian students to study in
Anchorage, Alaska. He left Sakhalin in the early 90s and
has never come back. He prolonged his studies in Alaska
and got a job in San Diego, where he lived till 2000. Like
most Russians abroad, he felt homesick, but didn’t “want
to go back to the hardships.” His life changed for the
better when he came to know about the Pryguny Molokhans
.. a Russian community settled in the Guadalupe valley in
Baja California, Mexico ... “They are honest,
hard-working, frugal, peaceful, God-fearing people, who
have been through numerous hardships and who do not expect
rewards except those that come from toil. Simplicity is
the keynote of their lives,” says Losha. “This place is
like a Russian version of the movie ‘The Village’”. The
people freely offer information on the history of the
colony and the ideals for which they strive, and invited
the visitors to return. ... In spite of the fact the
colony was founded almost one hundred years ago, the
traditions are well preserved. “I feel like I am the
future of this place,” adds Losha. Losha has invited many
old friends from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to come and settle in
the colony, which he feels is the only piece of the “good
old Russia” on earth.
Monument Planned
The proposed monument will be in front of the meeting-prayer
hall-assembly (sobraniya) along the street fence, on
a fenced courtyard slab about 8 feet on each side. There
will be 2 entry ways from the street. The monument will be 5
ft. high — a 3-foot high tablet sitting on a 2-foot high
base which is 30-inch square. George
Mohoff died in 2009, and his wish to erect this
monument has not yet been fulfilled.
USC's Russian Club: Russians
in Mexico
Website of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature
and Russian Club, University of California, Los Angeles. — 6
photos. (There were 9 museum photos taken about 2001). The
sign says: "Russian Community Museum and Restaurant, Russian
Kitchen / Local artwork and samples from 10 vineyards / Open
from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Sunday / Guadalupe Valley
since 1991, Telephone: 016-155-2030" [click on sign photo to enlarge]
Russian Club photos.]
14. Chapter
2: The Russians of Guadalupe del Norte
In Vintage Baja: Adventures of a Gringa in
Lower California, by Marion Smothers — The
travels of late archaeologist and Peabody Institute Fellow
Marion Smothers were published in 1993 by Bueno Books.
Currently out-of-print, excerpts from this book have been
made available to Ensenada
Baja News-Gazette. "Editors Notes" at bottom show
this photo and tells about the museum, where to : "Sample
authentic Russian dishes prepared by the friendly Samarin
family in the tiny restaurant". — Abbreviated text below
with comments in red:
The Pryguny Malakans
(also spelled "Molokans"), a Russian farming
religious sect, purchased the valley, now known as
Guadalupe, from the Mexican government in 1905. How they
made their way from Czarist Russia to Canada *, through the
United States to an obscure spot in the mesa land of Lower
California, appears to be lost in the mists of history.
The price is said to have been more than $50,000 [$40,000].
A village site was laid out: building lots, a wide street,
the church of their native Russia, a windmill, irrigation
ditches and communal fields. [* Only a few Spiritual Christian scouts stopped
in Canada to visit Doukhobors but were told that Los
Angeles has more jobs and better climate. Many immigrant
in Mexico never got to the US due to visa problems. For
details online, see Dukh-i-zhizniki in
America, Chapter 2 — The First Years.]
As we explored the neat village, we marveled at being
transported back into an exotic peasant community.
Red-bearded men greeted us with grave courtesy; their
womenfolk, starched aprons over long skirts, shyly smiled
from the doorways of peak-roofed houses. Window boxes
overflowed with bright flowers. A sauna-type bath house
shared space with each kitchen garden. Sleek dairy herds (Malakan
translated as Milk Drinker) were sheltered in
sturdy barns when not browsing the lush pastures. We kept
our distance from flocks of aggressive geese and colonies
of bee hives.
However, one encroachment of the modern world charmed us.
Half-naked Indian lads were playing soccer with their
Russian friends. Even more surprising, the Indians were
shouting in Russian during the heat of the game. ...
Indian genes have mixed with Russian and Mexican to evolve
into the mestizo. ... The Pryguny Malakans
have left their graves among what is now an ejido
cemetery — and the legacy of a few red-headed Mexicans. [This is the first
documentation taboo racial mixing of white Pryguny in
the New World.]
15. Morris Photo Art —
4 photos of grave markers
16. Ivan Guryevich Samarin
(1857-1948) — the "Great Spiritual Christian Molokan
Reproduced from the pages of the Molokan
Review, 1949, by Jon Kalmakoff on the Doukhobor Genealogy
... Samarin
and Pivovaroff selected found
and bought for the Brotherhood a plot of land
in Guadalupe, Lower California, Mexico, where Pivovaroff
made his home. ... the entire task of helping the
migrants was left in Samarin's hands. ... In March 1906,
Samarin, with translator/agent P.
A. Demens, on behalf of his fellow Pryguny Molokans,
traveled to Mexico City and personally received the
guaranties of religious freedom and suspension of customs
duties for the Prygun
Molokan colony at Guadalupe. Then he
carried protracted negotiations regarding land grants in
Lower California, at Rosario with Taras P. Tolmasoff and
other Prygun Molokan
representatives, and at Santa Rosa with P.M. Shubin, Ivan
K. Mechikoff and many others. ...
Babeshoff sisters
I first saw this 1947 photo (below) in the section
"Russians", in the Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural
America, 1995. This encyclopedia has essays on 152
culture groups in the U.S., but this section about Spiritual
Christians still has mistakes. Most of the section with this
photo appears on the web site as Countries
and Their Cultures: Multicultural America: Russian
Americans, by Paul
R. Magocsi, professor University of Toronto, Canada.
The the original text and the caption online (below: "Taken
in 1947 ... ") omits that the location is in rural Mexico,
35 miles south of the US border. The photo shows 5 of 7
daughters of George & Hazel (Samarin) Babeshoff (above), born and raised in the
Guadalupe Valley. All 7 girls married Spiritual Christians,
moved to California and by 2010 died. Left to right: Vera
(1-married Joe Jacob Kosareff, Bakersfield ), Dunia
(2-married Nick William Bogdanoff, Bakersfield), Irene
(3-married John Portnoff, Bakersfield), Hazel
(4-married William Alex Dobrenen, Shafter), Lucy
(5-married David Valoff, Los Angeles). Irene(3)
and Lucy(5) were twins. Not shown are sisters Mary (6-married
Roy Joe Kulikov, Fresno) and Anna (7-married
James Morris Melosardoff, Fresno) — Thanks to niece
Hanya Kulikov for names.

Taken in 1947, this
photograph demonstrates the influence of American
fashion on traditional Russian dress.
The lace shawls of these women are called kascinkas
[kasinki]; their high-heeled shoes are
[On November 21, 2008, Elena posted this photo on
her The
Happy Wonderer blog, with comments about leg
crossing, modern shoes and showing leg. Elena grew up in
Los Angeles among the more zealous Dukh-i-zhizniki
who often attacked people for not obeying their rules for
behavior and dress. This photo shows that Pryguny are
different than Dukh-i-zhizniki. A similar photo of
8 dressed up girls posing is in Mohoff's book, page
Here is the Countries
and Their Cultures text with corrections in red:
Nearly 3,000 5,000 members of
a various
Spiritual Christian
religious sects from Russia known as
the Molokans settled in California during the
first decade of the twentieth century. They formed a fragmented network of about the
nucleus of what has become a 20,000- member
descendants of Russian
Spiritual Christians, with a
Molokan community that is concentrated today in San
Francisco and many Dukh-i-zhizniki
in Southern
California and Oregon. ... The Old Ritualists Believers
and some Spiritual Christians
Molokans have been most fervent in
retaining a sense of Russian identity through an active
use of the Russian language in their religious services
and in their daily lives.
18. Mexico:
A destination specialist course. (PDF)
By The Travel Institute, 2004. Produced in partnership with
the Mexico Tourism Board. Winner of the 2005 PATA Gold
Chapter 1: Baja
California — Beyond Ensenada: Attractions, page 14
The Museo Comunitario del Valle
de Guadalupe, in a Russian-style house, tells the
story of the wine-making valley and of the
non-Orthodox Russian peasants who were granted permission
to resellte and to worship in the Valle de Guadalupe by
the Mexican Government in 1905. The immigrants repaired
wine-making equipments left from previous ventures and
prospered in the valley.
19. Baja Legends: The
Historic Characters, Events and Locations That Put Baja
California on the Map
by Greg Niemann -
2002 - 260 pages. See pages 108-110.
"The Pryguny Molokans
worked hard and prayed hard. They dressed simply; ... They
became splendid citizens of Mexico, and while they spoke
Russian in church, they were ever loyal to their adopted
20. Bodega Bibayoff,
jAzZblOg, March 27, 2006 (offline)
... one winery owned by Russian descendants, the Bodega de
Bibayoff. ... This was David Bibayoff, patriarch of
this family operation. [Shown
in the photo above with son Abel.] He graciously
welcomed me and invited me to join him back in the warehouse
where a group of distant relatives were waiting for him to
do a barrel tasting. ... Bibayoff is descended from a group
of Russian refugees, the Pryguny Molokans,
who, with the intervention and assistance of Leo Tolstoy, gained permission
from Tsar Nicholas II
to emigrate to the new world where they hoped to practice
their own brand of Christianity unmolested. After arriving a false start in LA,
the group resettled into the
Guadalupe Valle and took to doing what they did best:
farming. The Valle flourished.
.... Now, there are a few families
left and Bibayoff holds forth with his son, Abel, running
their vineyard. What makes Bibayoff special ... selling
grapes to other wineries. The wine that is produced
here is strictly for family, guests, festivals and
occasional restaurants.... a dozen folks from suburban LA
waiting for us. ... nieces and cousins of Bibayoff who had
never met him before. They'd discovered him and the vineyard
through some Internet work and, after an email contact,
decided to come have a look. They'd been tasting with Abel
for some time when we arrived and were especially warm and
friendly in their afternoon buzz. ... his daughter was
pleading with him to bottle it all exclusively for
her. ... 'this wine is not for sale.' ...
Bibayoff Vineyard and
Winery, Baja Wine Country
Guide, gives an update of the story above.
- Location: Valle de Guadalupe
- Tel: (646) 176-1008
- Email:
- Directions: Off
highway # 3 at "El Tigre", follow the dirt road to
Rancho Bibayoff.
[Note the mis-use of
Russian Orthodox Church imagery in the Bibayoff Vinos
logos. Pryguny were not Russian Orthodox. Though
a samovar would be a better cultural fit for a logo,
business rules. The average consumer — a Mexcian Catholic,
or American Protestant tourist — is more likely to
associate "onion domes" than a samovar with Russia(n).
Unfortunately these logos project a false impression that
Pryguny are Orthodox in faith.]
- Videos
- Listed on
- Rancho
Torros Pintos (Bibayoff), ~50 photos of Bibayoiff
ranch and area,
- Bibayoff,
Russian tradition settled in México, (photos),
Gina Naya, Food & Wine web site
- Photo Wineries/, 2 images of
and courtyard
- Wine,
Music and Food Festivals in Baja California, Mexico,
Vino-Tourism by
Steve Dryden, June 9, 2008.
- Interviews with Bibayoff family and photos (below) of
museum in От Карса до
Мексики: русские молокане на другом конце светаx,
РИА Новости,
03.07.2009 [From Kars
to Mexico: Pryguny from
Russian Molokans at
the other end of the world, RIA News, July 3,
- Russian
Vintners Win Gold at Baja California Wine Event, Vino-Tourism by
Steve Dryden August 31, 2009.
21. The
Colony of Guadalupe Pryguny
Molokans in Mexico.
A book about Pryguny, not
Molokane, by George W. Mohoff (1924-2009),
226 pages, 1995.
199 photos / illustrations, plus a cross-indexed map of each home in the
colony by head of household name. The book covers most parts
of their history, from his grandfather V.G. Moloff fleeing
the Tsar's army while doing guard duty in St. Petersburg, to
land ownership, swimming in the river, cowboys and indians,
farm animals, religious services, why they left, and more. $25
from the UMCA Heritage Room, Hacienda Heights CA; or from
Hazel Mohoff, 2221 Via Camille, Montebello CA 90640; phone:
323-721-8610 — Also check out this book at your local
library via inter-library loan from at least 6 libraries in
California; or read
online (with many errors and omissions). |
22. Books and Articles
about Pryguny in Mexico (chronological) at public
libraries, some listed at WorldCat
- Oscar Schmeider, Lower California Studies II, The
Russian Colony of the Guadalupe Valley, University
of California Publications in Geography, Vol. II: No. 14
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1928).
- Sydney Rochelle Story, Spiritual Christians in Mexico : profile of a
Russian village Ph.D. dissertation (University
of Southern California, 1960).
- Ulysses
S. Grant IV, A
Sojourn in Baja California, 1915, by
Historical Society of Southern California, 1963. Reprint
from Southern California Quarterly, Vol. XLV, No. 2,
June 1963,
pages 128-168.
- John Stanford Dewey, The Colonia Ruse of Guadalupe
Valley, Baja California; A Study of Settlement,
Competition, and Change (Masters Thesis,
California State University, Los Angeles, September 1966).
- Richard Cota and Richard W Day, The Russian colony
of Guadalupe Valley : a research paper ,
(University of California San Diego, 44 pages , 1968)
- Lauren С Post and Carl Lutz, The
Russian Colony of Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico,
Brand Book Number 4, San Diego Corral of the
Westerners (San Diego, 1976), pp. 140-155.
- Thérèse Adams Muranaka,
Spirit Jumpers, The Pryguny
from Russia Russian Pryguny
of Baja California, San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic
Technology Notes No. 21, 1988, 16 pages.
- Therese Adams Muranaka, The Russian Prygun
Colony at Guadalupe, Baja California : continuity
and change in a sectarian community, (PhD
dissertation University of Arizona, 1992) 140 pages.
- George W Mohoff, The Russian Colony of
Guadalupe : Pryguny
in Mexico, with map, 1993
- Fernando Jordán, "Rusia en Mexico," Baja
California, tierra incógnita, 2001, pages 51-56.
* Due mainly to biases and mistakes by Young (1932) and Berokoff
(1969), most all latter scholars never understand that
these people are not Molokane, but mostly Prgyuny
mixed with other Spiritual Christian faiths.
23. Videos —
- Samarin Restaurant and Museum
- Bibayoff Ranch
- Guadalupe Valley
Top ^